The sorcerer ’s apprentice

The YerpoMeepo
2 min readAug 9, 2021

(Short story)

Once there was a man in Egypt who knew all the secrets. His most famed trick was to ride on the back of crocodiles in the river Nile. His friend, a school master told him about a bright young boy who was looking for a career that would take him far. The boy was fascinated with his work. He learned about some unique items like donkey milk, poppy seeds and types of special tree saps and how to mix them perfectly into concoctions.One night instead of going to the bed the boy hid in a closet under the sink.Soon the sorcerer walk in humming an unfamiliar tune and stared at a broom propped up in a corner and said“come now broom and stand to attention”the broom stood to attention.It grew arms and legs to work “your first commands tonight is to scrub the floor, but wait there’s more…”continued the Sorcerer.”While that floor you scrub heat up a tub that I’ll have a rest in a tub.Now get to work. Do it well!!


The Sorcerer Had some business to attend to so the boy tried to work out the spell to make the broom alive and do work he asked the same commands and of work it went.It scrubbed it filled it cooked and workedWhen the boy was done he realized he had no clue how to stop the broom I continue to work it work it said stop will you can you hear me that didn’t workSo he said to himself let’s try a rhyme hello please can you see me on my knees stop or Friday before of this house looks like the river Nile already”cried the boy.Imagine what the Sorcerer could do to me!!”just then like magic 🪄 the Sorcerer appeared, with a snap of his finger every thing was back in place and he didn’t bother to do any thing to the boy because he knew that he had learned his lesson.

The end thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The YerpoMeepo

I'm Viti, I'm10, I like to play chess, eat Thai food, cats & read mysteries